Starting No. 11 November 2013
The category "Wortschatz" consists of new word creations from situations that happen to you with children.

"Super Lupo und das pupsende Einhorn"
No. 10 October 2014
Illustration for a children's short story. Starring "Super Lupo" and the farting unicorn.

"Willst du Eis oder Ärger?"
No. 09 September 2013
Many parents are using Twitter to let off steam. I illustrated some of the NIDO's editors favourite tweets. They are about ugly brains, stunt cats, fights with flutes and laserswords, baby car air fresheners and a boy named ctrl.

NIDO "Die kenn ich doch"
No. 05 May 2012
Illustrations for NIDO Magazine – a magazine for young parents. Parent teacher conference freak show! Starring: Nervous Busy Lizzy, the boss, the gossip girl, the overcautious strictly organic-food lady, the career obsessed book worm, the smartphoning onliner and the "I don't care...what time is it allready?" guy.

NIDO "Elf-Freunde"
No. 08 August 2011
"Did you know that one of twelve Icelanders is convinced that Elves live here?" In this travel report about Iceland, Nido author Dela Kienle went on a search. I added some small illustrations to the photos (by Jonas Unger).