ZEIT Campus
"Lohnt sich das?"
No. 06 November / Dezember 2013
Those who want a PhD must invest much: life time and nerves. Is it worth it? I illustrated this article about the advantages and disadvantages of doctorate with a Snakes and Ladders like Hidden Object head.

ZEIT Campus
"Wo kann ich wohnen?"
No. 05 September / Oktober 2013
City-Illustrations and a small flip book cartoon for the "Zeit Campus" booklet "Where can I live?".

ZEIT Campus
"Pleite in den Master"
No. 02 März / April 2013
Small initial-illustrations for an article about "Bafög".

ZEIT Campus
"Lies mich!"
No. 01 Januar / Februar 2013
Our life is composed of rules and instructions. I illustrated the article which lists them in form of a daily report with a swarm of under water alien speech bubbles and comunnication symbols.

ZEIT Campus
"Du bist mein Zweitstudium"
No. 01 Januar / Februar 2013
In a relationship it can happen that one is unintentionally studying the partner's subject with him. The article is a report about four couples who did a "second degree" this way. I added some small illustrations to the photos.

ZEIT Campus
"Geht das alles gut?"
No. 03 May / June 2012
Cover and article illustrations for the "Zeit Campus" booklet "Berufsbilder". Every Issue of "Berufsbilder" deals with one course of studies and the corresponding job description. The one below is about engineers and their responsibility. The title is "Will everything go well?"